A new building for the Roma-church in Apatin (Serbia)

Published Categorized as english

A third of the people who came to the service were able to sit. Never mind. The rest were standing. Nobody wanted to miss this special event: The Roma-church in Apatin got its very own building.
Sometimes you wonder…what is exactly news? Of course there are not many people who didn’t say a thing about what just happened in Paris. And it is big, scary, unsettling and all that… But I was wondering what this was, a few handful of people who got their own building. God is at work among Roma.. is this news?
I think it was.
We couldn’t follow everything, but this was what I read later that day:
Than our mouth was filled with laughter , and our tongue with singing.
Then they said among the nations: The Lord has done great things for them,
The Lord has done great things for us. And we are glad. Ps. 126: 2 en 3
The people there have worked for a long time and finally reached this day.
There was joy, happiness and a good sermon, beautiful songs and lots of food!
It was special for us to be here. It is not far from us. (58 km.) Just across the border with Serbia.
Borders are always tense here now, and we had a kind of interesting crowd. A van with Roma, not related to each other, with a Croat behind the steering wheel. A car in front with an American driving it and a few older Roma woman. A Dutch car, with a Dutch family and a Roma friend, (let’s use all the seats!)
and a Roma car with four Roma girls. But we finally came through.
It was a special meeting and we were singing among other songs: “‘Open the floodgates of Heaven.” Judith wondered if that was a good idea, because the sermon was outside, it is November now, and rain is not very funny with 200 plus people… It is a nice building, but 200 people would not fit. The song of prayer was answered and a friendly few drops fell down upon us. Just enough to be reminded that God was at the place and not enough to get wet!
Many people from different parts of Serbia had come for this service.

We were guests and received a chair, whether we liked it or not. A few woman left pretty soon, to visit relatives in the village.You don’t get a ride to Apatin every day, do you? It took us a while to find everybody and leave. Arriving was easier than leaving…

young teens

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And this was the news from last Sunday.