Hi There,
Thanks for stopping by. Welcome to this tiny corner of the world wide web. I am glad you also stopped by! It would be lovely to hang out and drink some tea or coffee together. If you make the drink, I’ll do the writing. Welcome to this group!
Sign up here.
Till 2019 I wrote about our family, living, eating and shopping at markets in Croatia. I wrote about Roma-related issues as we regularly attended the smallest, youngest Roma church of the Baranja area. I wrote about writing because I consider myself an amateur writer (amore = love for), and I do love writing.
But in 2019 we moved back to the Netherlands. I did not mean that I stopped writing, but now my focus is more about homemaking, gardening, silence, and belonging, journeying, and writing.
Just scroll through the blog, check it out and see if you also like to become email friends (and maybe more over time).
What to expect: if you sign up, you will receive:
- A weekly blog post about one of these subjects above. But you know sometimes, life is going faster than I can write and I skip a week.
- Once a month you will get a personal e-mail From My Table with a personal note, a book and film suggestions and Whatever Comes To The Table;-)
Here are two reasons why I started this blog back in 2011.
- I would love to stay in touch with you or get to know you at some point. Please never hesitate to leave a comment or sent an e-mail. I love hearing from you!
- There are so many stories that need to be told.
I do write bilingually

Only for number lovers:
Please, join this online community, let’s be email friends, I would love to stay in touch and this is my way of organizing it.
Sign up here.
So, do feel welcome to gather around this table and: Till we meet again, may God hold us in the palm of His hand.
Happy reading!
It is precious to see how “The world around my table” is slowly living up to its name and continues to be a place for those who like to sit around it. What a privilege! I feel so honored.
If you know somebody of your friends who might be interested in organic living, writing, or interested in a holistic meaningful life. These are themes that are coming back regularly. Feel free to forward this letter and let them sign up at the popup screen at my blog. Thank you! There is always room at this online table.
Kind regards, Janneke
Sign up here.
“Take care and thanks for ministering to all of us through your website! ” Holly
Hi mom,
Love your blog!
(as long as you don’t talk about us!)
Thanks for letting me be part of your lives in this wonderful way. Wow people have grown .I need my mind refreshed now .I am thankful for letting me know about Jakob and his family .I was not alive to the move back to the Netherlands.
Please bear with me I do not always have a ready access to the internet so if my responses are slack that will be one factor among others.
Peace be with you all
Thank you, Raymond. Welcome in this blog group.