Another chance

Published Categorized as english

Happy new year, Sredan nova godina, Gelukkig Nieuwjaar!
A new year fills me always with that feeling of -another chance- As if we get another option. A choice -may it be- with God in the centre, but also in that way that we and the way we are made are coming most beautifully to the surface. The question comes up: Is this really who I am? Who I supposed to be? The way I am made to flourish?
I know- it is just a feeling. Days and nights are passing by as always and there is no difference on this time of year. There might be a few places in this world where people are hardly aware of the entering in 2016 -as we call it- And still… I rather like it, that pause, that deep breath and refining.
Yesterday, we drove 300 km north to Budapest, and back to get our teacher for the January month from the airport. The year and this final day of year, was coming to an end, gathering to the years past. Our kids were singing in the car while the sun was setting and gave each time different lights and shadows over the landscape of the South of Hungary.
The day turned out different than imagined before hand in the morning to show me that not I am the author of my life, but that Someone else is The Author and while we drove on these words came to my mind:
As you grow closer to Me, I open your eyes more and more of My Presence all around you. Things that you have to learn, to notice like the shifting shadow or sunlight, will fill you with heart-bursting joy.
You may recognize it, those unexpected moments which can fill you with heart-bursting joy.  Next to all the suffering and pain and horrific things that are happening, God’s goodness is also widespread over this earth and He is willing to show us. May this year fill us all with more of His presence around us.
There is a lot to learn for us this coming year, but after my pause I realised how eager I am to learn better to write and put words to what I see and hear. And please help me with it.
Which blog from the last year, did you like the most? What was your funniest, cutest, most beautiful or stupidest blog of 2015?
You, my dear readers are coming from over 50 countries. I can hardly believe that. I only have been in just over 10 countries, and that is easy, living in Europe.
I wish you peace and strength and joy in whatever you face in the coming year and for those who love statistics: a summary of  2015

Christmas holiday kitchen table, messy as always;)