That is not the most positive comment of the Canadians about the Dutch immigrants, but a pretty fair characteristic. We, my friend and buddy, caretaker and overall guidance Nancy Fernhout and me were invited at…
Precious moments in Toronto – some snapshots
“Pastor Joel, would you please pray for my mommy, she doesn’t like her haircut!” We were having a little chat and pastor Joel Kok, has this amazing memory, and recalled not only the names of…
between hier en there
That wonderful,overwhelming and confusing feeling of being in two places. En het wisselen van de taal. Here we looked at the tiny babycows, daar reed ik tussen de wolkenkrabbers door. There in Toronto was it…
A gateway to Thine eternal Kingdom
Quiet retreat, november 2014, Hilversum, O God, make the door of this house wide enough to receive all who need human love and fellowship, and a heavenly Father’s care; and narrow enough to shut out…
Watching for Death
May God be merciful
This Wednesday I travel to speak in Toronto for different groups about God at work among the Roma in Europe. And I am very much looking forward to meet with everyone who we closed in…
Letting go of regular salary
Not everybody is called to do it. But for me it was time to stop my part-time job and now I am back to being a full-time mother. And we as a family, are back…
Wie maar de goede God laat zorgen
I must have been around six years old and sitting next to my aunt ”tante Jannie” in the car on the Island Texel in the north of our country. Suddenly there was a dog on…
Lovely lively kids and our time travel.
At the beginning of this year, Jelle took me out for two days, while our kids where staying with a nice family here in the village who offered to take care of all our four…
Hello, its me!
Hi, this is Marijke! I’m allowed to write on my mom’s blog. These girls are my cousins, 2 days ago when it snowed! By the way, my cousins are the BEST EVER!!!!!!! This is gonna…
As you sent your Child, send ours too.
A couple of years ago, a friend gave me this dangerous prayer: Lord, your heart aches for this world, as your child, my heart shares that ache. These children that we hold are not…
And gently leads those that are with young…
In the weeks of Advent Jelle chose to read the prophet Isaiah around the table and he started with chapter 40. 11 “He will tend his flock like a shepherd; he will gather the lambs in…