Tears were dripping down my face, into my lap, I cleaned my face, while I manoeuvred the car through small cute France villages. I needed to have a good view on the road before me.…
The art of receiving.
The smell of rapeseed is coming into my window. And when I look out of it I can just spot the top of the fields who are bringing this nice spring smell. We are in…
Be – longing
Earlier this week, I went for the first time in this area, to a woman- to woman prayer meeting. New woman, with the same desire and focus. Sharing two or three stories from persecuted woman,…
Not the food for Evin
In Teheran is the -sadly- well known Evin jail. People in this jail don’t get this nice meal which Judith made last night. I am impressed by the story of the girls Maryam Rostampour an…
Elusive Transformation?
Grandmothers embroidery.
We ask You not to save every sorrow from our children, But be You their consolation when they are lonely and afraid. For Your name’s sake, keep them in Your covenant. And let them never…
Woman to woman
“If you want to have a real sharp eye on the future, you need to know your past” A wise one-liner from someone who led the Bible study at a Women-to-Women day yesterday. She reminded…
wooden shoe, wooden head, wouldn't listen.
That is not the most positive comment of the Canadians about the Dutch immigrants, but a pretty fair characteristic. We, my friend and buddy, caretaker and overall guidance Nancy Fernhout and me were invited at…
Precious moments in Toronto – some snapshots
“Pastor Joel, would you please pray for my mommy, she doesn’t like her haircut!” We were having a little chat and pastor Joel Kok, has this amazing memory, and recalled not only the names of…
between hier en there
That wonderful,overwhelming and confusing feeling of being in two places. En het wisselen van de taal. Here we looked at the tiny babycows, daar reed ik tussen de wolkenkrabbers door. There in Toronto was it…
A gateway to Thine eternal Kingdom
Quiet retreat, november 2014, Hilversum, O God, make the door of this house wide enough to receive all who need human love and fellowship, and a heavenly Father’s care; and narrow enough to shut out…