Making a home / photoblog

Published Categorized as english

Home is where the heart is. One of those proverbs that sounds pretty cliche.
But, the more we went trough moves and changes, the more we experienced it to be so true.  We felt at home at so many places in the last few weeks. In Claire and Robs book house, at my parents kitchen table, visiting Jelles old grandparents, in the church, feeling loved by so many. Feeling at home in the open air, halfway through Europe, passing the mountains and being under the blue sky, back in Darda church, where we got the warmest welcome. Seeing the woman and little children, and the smiley faces from the little guys.
We moved in two weeks ago and that was not too hard. We do not have too much furniture and because of all the recent moves, we sorted things out quite frequently. And moving from a small house into a bigger one is always going in the easy direction. It is good to be back. And this is home for now.
An older lady has lived here and passed away last year. She did not have children or other relatives and we can rent the house, including some furniture. The house is build in the late seventies and the kitchen and bathrooms are still original, but working well. We are not finished in making it a homey place, but this is at least the start.
Enjoy the pictures!

The entrance

Pretty classic furniture, belonging to the house. 100 years old, which means that it faced three wars here. Amazing that it is all in one piece.

The same room, the opposite site. Dining and music corner.

Femke s room, getting there.

Our bedroom.

Laurens got his very own bed, finally, with thanks to Jan-kees en Esther.

Marijkeś temporarely book storage, three more boxes to go. We found: Beatrix in ballingschap funny, this little book came from the CRC library in Toronto.

Cosy corners.. three girls here to make it homey.

Deserted house. Old Yugoslavian tiny house with water well in the backyard.


What is a home without flowers? This is from Femkes window.

Warm greetings from Osijek.
And if you wonder Why in the world are you (t)here?
You might find an answer in this post.