Woman to woman

Published Categorized as english

“If you want to have a real sharp eye on the future, you need to know your past”
A wise one-liner from someone who led the Bible study at a Women-to-Women day yesterday. She reminded us about Joshua, who was chosen to be the leader of the Israelites and bring them into the promised land of Canaan. Quite an impossible job. He sent 12 men out and 10 of them came back: Discouraged. “”This land is full of giants! “” was their reply.
But two of them said: We can do it and live there, because, the Lord is there!
Just GO first and than SEE the wonders what the Lord is working out.
We were encouraged to count the stones that the Lord has put into our lives, so far.
AIMG_6961nd I had to think back about all the encouraging women God brought into my life and around me on my journey: Mary, Ruth, Mathilda, and Amaelia from England, Hye-Jin, Nancy, Carol, Alana, Surance, Leanne, Marianna, Tanya and others from Canada, A. from Iran, Doro from Germany, Lise from Denmark, Nina and Lijdia from Croatia, Nori and Nancy and Julianna and Pam from Hungary, Arenka, Dirja, Elseline, Jeantine, and many more other woman from our village here in Randwijk. Lumi from Romania, Larissa from Russia….Anja, Marianne and Petra, and Thamar, Mieneke and Martha from the Netherlands and Jennifer from France, Indrani from India, who taught me my first English lessons, This is not the end of a group of wonderful woman, who don’t even know each other. I know, it is strange when you start naming people… there are so many more who I could name. I am so thankful for all of you that we have spend time together in the past and that we will spend time together in the future.-until we meet again-
I realize that I am very privileged that God brought our ways together. And although most of us are not persecuted, we do have our own sorrows and struggles. It can be in so many different ways. You know it for yourself what your burden is. But you know: God IS with us.
Have I not commanded you: Be strong and courageous, do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God is with you, where ever you go. (Or stay!)
Joshua 1:9
Lots of love, from my heart to yours!