Here we go: September has arrived. Laurens went for the first time to the Croatian school, and we do school at home with the girls, online. We are pretty proud of Laurens, speaking three languages fluently, while we are still struggling when conversations get more complicated. Also, we are a bit impressed by the girls’ eagerness to learn. That must come from Jelle, or it has skipped a generation. I certainly did not have it at this age.
We had a lovely summer without too much travelling. The girls went to the Netherlands for summer jobs , and an American group came here. We cleared out stuff in the house, browsed through books and movies, and just read away. We did our chores outside of the house before 10 a.m. and hid between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. to protect ourselves from the heat. Often, we jumped in the river in the early evening to cool down.
In the meantime, we made stock for the winter. Canning and making the most of the seasonal fruit and vegetables is such a joy. Harvest time is now in full swing, after all!
If you haven’t had a chance to read the online Kaskada magazine, you probably do not want to miss out on it. It includes a history of the Roma and more stories from our Roma friends.
Sadly enough, I have been worrying quite a bit this summer. I’m still not the best at trusting and letting go. In the end, I was even ashamed. There is so much to be thankful for, and yet…
Some friends here offered us their house on the coast for a week. That was simply fantastic! It was just in the middle of the season when the olives are ripening and the figs are ready to eat when you walk along. The town had a very old quarter with a small church and bells that mark the day. The streets were so small, resembling times past when a car was an unthinkable thing.
We found our favourite spot under an old olive tree.
With going to another place, your perspective changes.
You step out of your current situation and can look at your own life from the sidelines.
Just after you pass the mountains, in Dalmatia, you arrive at the coast. Life often feels like mountain climbing for me. After a time of climbing and perseverance, you find the view from on top of the mountain. A glorious sight into far distance! Again, we are standing on a mountain top—but with the valleys of trusting and letting go straight before us. Do I have the courage to step into the valley again? I know I am not able to do it alone, but I do not have to do it alone.
I walk on, take another fig from the tree, and enjoy its rich taste. Judith is diving in the sea and discovering a new world under the water. I also dive once more into the water. The sky is blue and the sea turquoise. Being surrounded by water is so comforting. I am ready to go on and enter this new season. I am remembering what I wrote a couple of weeks ago in my journal from Paulo Coelho’s The Alchemist .
The shepard boy travels on, filled with joy and relieved to follow his heart to take on the journey, still doubting his decision. But, one thing he understood: To make a choice is just the beginning. When you make a choice, you dive in fact in a mighty stream, which is taking you along to places where you never dreamt about at the moment that you made the decision.
And so, take we up this new season—renewed, refreshed, filled with new hope, and trusting our Lord.
And you?
Maybe you face a few changes too this season. Another challenge. A new course of study, another job—or, maybe the years are just passing by. Whatever is the case, are you searching to live mindfully? Click here for your Rule of life. Feel free to print and use it as you wish, and please let me know what you think.
I wish you a special late summer season with new perspectives. Take care!
Warm greetings, Janneke and a high five from Laurens this time.
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