On the road.

Published Categorized as english

10 nights:12 till 22 August
6 countries: Croatia, Hungary, Austria, Czeck Republic, Germany, Netherlands
5 places to sleep: Croatia,  Budapest, Czeck Republic, Germany, and hopefully in our very own bed later this week in the Netherlands.
And not only sleep, but also pack (and clean at least a bit)
And that 6 times: Jelle, Marijke, Judith, Femke, Laurens and me, makes 32 beds..

I love laundry lines, but glad that I don’t have to do all the laundry…

Much more to tell, but too tired.. I’ll catch up later.
Today we arrived at the conference from International Teams in Swabisch Gmund, Germany.
Looking forward to the seminars, meetings, talks. The program looks great and I’ll let you know more later.
The kids LOVE it here, found there friends, great kid sprogram, but not at night… so I better go and watch them in yet another place to sleep.