Once upon a time there was somebody hiding in the mountains of Austria. She only gave a small peek of her hiding place. But that is long ago by now.

I am pretty sorry that this is the second time in a short time that I throw something into your email box. This is the reason why:
You see it right: The dutch version of my workbook; “How to develop your personal rule of life” is published.
Meanwhile, behind the scenes, Megan and I have been working really hard this week to translate (and edit) the whole workbook in English. Megan is my dear American friend, who still edits most of my text (except this email) hence the typo’s..
And guess what? The workbook is off to to the typesetter today!

Tell me more about the workbook. Is this not something we’ve seen around before?
You are right. Last year we (self) published a workbook: How do I find rest.
The story is that at some point I was at a monasteryfestival. There was a young lady who said to me: “Nice and all your workbook, but I do know somebody who can help you to make it really a lot better.“
” Oh, yes? “I said?
“Yes.” She replied.
“And guess what: It’s me.”
So, together this lady Willeke, dutch editor an I, we went through the whole book. The biggest change is that this time, I take you along to the hidden mountains in Austria that you see above.

Each chapter I take something that struck me in the monastery, that week there and invite you to translate it into the daily life outside a monastery.
And I am very happy that this workbook:
(How do I find rest?)
Develop your personal rule of life
is coming out soon and very soon!
And yes, that is why you got a few emails these day’s. I am translating something that I really like to share with you in the coming weeks:
- 1. The birthroom of the Rule of Life workbook
- 2. Let’s think about our values: why we do what we do.
- 3. I can’t wait to share the Rule of life literature list.
If you like to taste and see the latest Dutch design how they do make a book these days. Than you better order a copy. It’s real nice and fancy. I love it! Of course, you support my writing as well. 😉
You can pre-order it now by sending me an email: Yes! I’d like to have a copy! Reply here: Theworldaroundmytablecom/contact. You’ll have it by Christmas! and far before because we expect it to come out, early december.
Kind regards from my kitchentable filled with envelopes and dutch books, to yours. I can’t wait to sign the English edition!
Till than!