Prayer and finances: an opportunity

Published Categorized as english

Dear all,
As many of you know we are supported by a group of friends and family to pray for us and who support us financially. This is an amazing adventure for which we are very grateful to everyone who supports us so faithfully. Yesterday, I was writing this blog, and stopped. Hesitated…
But this morning I was so encouraged, because a friend from Germany mailed us to tell that she wants to support us on a monthly basis. This is so fantastic! Not just that a friend joins in our journey, but also because it shows me that this is the way in which God works over and over again. He prepares the way before us and shows me through this that He knows our needs. That it is not our business to get everything organized, but that it is Him who is using his people for this amazing task.
2014-08-10 19.00.38

(Laurens with a Roma “granny” this summer.)

I have a bit of a dilemma… It is good to give information, but also a matter of letting go again. It is a beautiful dance but also a difficult one. So here is some information about our current financial situation: We are in a time of change, in which Jelle travels regularly to Hungary and Croatia. While Jelle is travelling, I am full time at home to care for the kids. That is wonderful and I love it, but it means that I am not able to work. So this makes the sum:

Jelle’s travels: 5 times/year, on average  € 200 (Can$ 290)

Janneke’s staying home those weeks: less income (average) €300 (Can$ 430)

In addition to a few other costs this means that we are looking to increase our monthly support with €500,- (Can$ 720) So we need 10 people who give €50,- / Can$ 72,- or 20 people giving €25,- / Can$ 36,- This will help us to support Bible translation work for Roma. What we just want to ask is: Please consider prayerfully if you are willing and able to support this work. If so, you can sent us an e-mail (you can use the form below) and we can provide you with the information you need. (If you are in Canada look here.) It is so far to us beautiful to see how God is providing. Certainly there are ups and downs, times of harvest and times of winter, times of spring and times of autumn. We hope that we are in the promising time of spring again, although it is autumn outside. God is faithful in every situation and we trust Him. May God’s blessing be upon you, as you consider being involved or starting to be involved in this ministry of mission of bringing the Gospel for Roma in Europe.

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