A house burned down and a newborn

Published Categorized as english

Roma life can be very tough. This is what Andrijana, the daughter of our Roma pastor, wrote three weeks ago:
Yesterday, my mom’s sister in Serbia lost her house in a fire. She has five children and the sixth needs to be born this month. So, they do not know where to live anymore, and the house almost fell on them. Can we pray for them?’
Bora Nikolić, the father of this family who lost their entire home to the fire, writes:
This is all that’s left of our home. We lost everything in a few minutes. Please pray for us.

Thank God He kept my family from that scary fire. Thank God they all came out off the house, which was already on fire. God, thank you for protecting my family, that your hand was over them to give glory to your holy name throughout the ages, Amen.

Within a week, money came in from people who had it in their heart to give. Family and friends were able to find them a house. On the day the family moved into the house (we were with them that day), we could see the huge relief on their faces. It was a true story of trust and faith. It was not just a house. A lot of people working together made it happen, and we all are part of it now. It was a true expression of the Body of Christ.
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The new house, for the family.


Two of the five kids.


Making plans for the bathroom. (no running water yet)


Next to the toilet a big field to run and play.

20293123_1583190535037590_1087128145099958774_nJudith enjoyed the little girl, while the boys make more plans in the background.


Just a few hours in the new house, in the early evening. Moms goes into labor a few hours later.


A lot of people gave gifts, toys, clothes and house equipment. All in a few days time.


Time for good-bye. We are glad to leave the family here in a safe place.

As we drove home, we felt such peace and joy. What an tremendous honor to be part of this. Laurens said from the back of the car: Look, God opens the heaven. There was a stunning sunset to be seen and the whole nature and all things we had seen that day, felt so much in harmony with their Maker.
But, the story is not over yet: That same night, the mother went into labor, and this is the message we received the following morning:
Message from Andrijana, translated by Laura:
Filip came as a gift of welcome. Yesterday, we settled Bora and his family in their new house, where they spent the night. After we got the key from the house, we found a very old Bible there and we realized that this situation was part of God’s plan… This morning, Ljubica gave birth to baby Filip. He weighs 3,400kg and is 48cm.
Image may contain: 1 person, sleeping and baby
Can you believe this? Hours after moving into their new home, baby Filip was born! Praise God from whom all blessings flow! Just in time. He will be welcomed into his new home. See Mom in the photo walking behind the nurse (or dad, not sure which) holding the newborn. Wonderful news! Ljubica, the Roma sisters are praying for you!

” May He defend the cause of the poor of the people, give deliverance to the children of the needy, and crush the oppressor!
May they fear You, while the sun endures, ans as long as the moon, throughout all generations!
Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel, who alone does wondrous things.
Blessed be his glorious name forever. May the whole earth be filled with His Glory! Amen and Amen!” (ps.72)

So many details fell into place. God defends the cause of the poor people and gives deliverance to the children of the needy, indeed!
What a blessing to be part of this.
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