Photos Book; The World Around My Table

Published Categorized as english


Below you see some pictures by the chapters. I do hope that the stories speak even more to you, now you’ve seen this.


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Feel free to respond! I’d love to hear from you. As you see, this is an online community. Let not be me, the only one who contributes;-)

And do not forget to let me know if you like a personal note in your book. I need to have your postal address, which you can leave here:




Did you like what you read so far? I would be honored if you leave a reply here:

Are you just here and interested in the stories behind the pictures? You can order it here:

Warm greetings, Janneke 

Feel free to respond! I’d love to hear from you. As you see, this is an online community. Let not be me, the only one who contributes;-)

And do not forget to let me know, if you like a personal note in your book. I need to have your postal address, which you can leave here:


  1. I loved all the pictures and would love to read the stories behind them. It will be much more meaningful since I know you and appreciate the way you fit in so well when you lived in Toronto.

  2. How wonderful to see these beautiful slices of your life since we parted. I look forward to reading your story in the context of the Great Story. Much love from Iowa.

  3. Dear Libby, Great memories of our time at the Wycliffe office in Toronto. You showed me hospitality and lived the meaning of the word: member-care. Thank you. So glad that we stay in touch in this way. Blessings also to Paul.

  4. Dear Tricia, Yes, how everyone has been growing since 2012! And we both moved on. You and your husband have been of great support in that season of our family life. Making us feel at home in WIllowdale. Blessing in Iowa.

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