Fotoblog week 1

Where there are laundrylines, there are people and there is life! Waar waslijnen zijn, daar zijn mensen en daar is leven!                            …


Facing fear

Most of the time, I trust and know that we are on the right track, moving to Croatia, to support the team working with Roma churches. That is in short the reason why we want…


Praying moms

Veenendaal, The Netherlands, 2006 The book: “”Every child needs a praying mom”” has been translated in 2006. It was amazingly good sold and in a few weeks lots of mom’s, started a woman prayer-group. I…


Laurens is 4

A small big life event is that Laurens turned four last week and goes to school! Laurens is vorige week vier geworden en gaat nu naar school! Sometimes big… and sometimes small…


Glory to the king!

The wind was rushing through the leaves, while we biked underneath. It was just such an amazingly lovely late spring evening. The sky was bright and an astonishing sunset made the cows in the field…
