God’s love is like the waves… (with images of the Croatian Coast)

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The meaning of the Hebrew word Hesed is wrapping up in itself all the positive attributes of God: love, covenant faithfulness, mercy, grace, kindness, loyalty – in short acts of devotion and loving- kindness that go beyond the requirements of duty.” Darrell L Bock.

The image of the waves gave me flashbacks to our visit to the Croatian coast in 2018, so I added a few pictures.

Last Thursday, we had our First Online Retreat of 2022 and gathered with four friends, from four countries. I’ll give you a little peek and share with permission: The theme was about psalm 136: God’s love is like the waves.

After our Lectio Divina we did our own contemplative writing in different ways. We sensed the Lord’s presence when Sue Jarret told her life story in a nutshell. Please, do read it slowly and with attentiveness.

She wrote personal alternatives to verses 10-15 of Psalm 136

Give thanks to him who saved me, a sinner, from eternal death

His faithful love endures forever

and transferred me to have eternal life with him

His faithful love endures forever

He led us out to Africa to work with SIL

His faithful love endures forever

and kept us safe inspite of serious illnesses

His faithful love endures forever

and brought us to our homeland again

His faithful love endures forever

He has enabled a whole team of people over the years to have input into
the translation of the New Testament in Makuri

His faithful love endures forever

which is now nearing publication

His faithful love endures forever

He has enable a small but growing community of Christians to spring up
amongst the Makuri speakers

His faithful love endures forever

Sue Jarret, United Kingdom.

Thomas Kohwagner wrote the Lord’s prayer in this way:

Blending the Lord’s Prayer with Psalm 136

In Psalm 136 the basic expression is:

His love never quits, or His love endures forever.
The words in between moreless are proof for the fact, that God’s love is steadfast and never quits.

If we blend the basic expression of Psalm 136 with the Lord’s Prayer, it is different. The prayer requests can be made on the solid foundation that God’s love never quits. Therefore we have reason for the hope, that our requests will be heard and – in the end – their fulfillment will be granted. And on this basis we are called do do our share fort he fulfillment of the prayer requests:   

Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,

for your love never quits.

Your Kingdom come,

for your love never quits.

Your will be done,
on earth as in heaven

for your love never quits.

Give us today our daily bread.

for your love never quits.

Forgive us our sins,
as we forgive those who sin against us.

for your love never quits.

Lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.

for your love never quits.

For the kingdom,
the power and the glory are yours.

and your love never quits…
… Now and for ever.

Thomas Kohwagner, Germany.

P.S. Do you know that we’re already in days 75-82 of the100 words a day /100-day Challenge?

In this post, I play with aRule of Life

This is around the topic: Dear Ones Around you. (Hold On)

Next week, I share 10 Healthy Habits. (Hold On. Oh, my body!) 

So, stay tuned if you made it this far and are still interested.

Till next week.

P.s. If you like to join at a Monthly Online Retreat, Feel free to do so. Here is the agenda and the link to sign up.

The Next Online Retreat is: 
Thu, Feb 24: 19:00- 21.30 Continental European time (Amsterdam) Sign up for this retreat here.
Awake oh Lord! Why do You sleep? (from psalm 44)
This time, we acknowledge that God’s love never quits, but also that this can be very challenging. There are lots of emotions in the psalms. And that is very comforting. Feel free to join and Sign up for this retreat here.
Kind regards, Janneke