Mini Introduction Course: HOLD ON. Part 3 (of 7)
Wow! This isn’t really a light-hearted life question. It’s more a question that you think about on and off all your life: Why am I in the world? What am I actually doing here? Where am I from? Where am I going? What makes me unique?
The main purpose of man is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.
Westminster Catechism, Question 1
This is the third Friday you will receive an email in your box regarding the playful Rule of Life. In 7 weeks, I am taking you step by step through a free mini introduction course to HOLD ON. This holistic rule of life makes the hectic pace of everyday life manageable by implementing elements from monasticism. You will discover over the weeks how nice that is.
This week’s theme is: Let’s get started. To work! No more delay, and get moving now.
That seems to be in contrast to that big question at the beginning. And yet it isn’t. Because you, as a unique person, have something that nobody else has. And you bring that in.
This session, you will formulate your goals. These are closely connected to your unique talents, gifts, possibilities, and limitations—that which God has given you or put on your plate, whether you like it or not.

Just blossoming in your specific gifts. That’s all.
It sounds a bit theological: glorifying God. What does that mean? And what does it look like? To become like God, to be more and more like His image.
In the diversity of man you see the diversity of God.
Janneke’s Journal
Your goal might be a small one and yet big for you: Going to get the mail after surgery. Maybe you want to keep chickens or learn a language, or you want to start a study or plant a tree. Maybe you would like to set up a painting exhibition or start a self-sufficient farm. You would like to start a small business or just be glad when your house is in order.
Dear Lord, Make me what you meant me to be, because I have no idea.
Janneke’s Journal
A quote from a book of the Rule of Life Literature List that is universal, for all times and all places. In things large and small:
Pay attention
Barnard Lonergan S.J; Canadian philosopher
Be wise
Be reasonable
Be responsible
Do everything in love
A bird’s-eye view of the next 7 weeks:
But first, a small overview: Where are we? The first week, we started from rest and Holy Ground. Here’s what’s still to come.
- H. for Holy Ground. What makes a good start to your day? A good start, a solid foundation (the first week).
- O for Organizing: Standing still and not moving yet (last week).
- L for Let’s get started! No more delay, and get moving now (this week).
- D for Dear ones around you: The beating heart for others (next week).
- O for Oh!—my body! Pay attention to your body: nutrition, exercise, rest and sexuality (week five).
- N for Nurturing your soul and sensitivity: What activity makes you really happy? Feed your sensitive soul (week six).
- . for The art of wrapping up well and calling it finished (The final week).
In almost every school these days, you are taught that your goals must be SMART in order for you to implement them properly. In the workbook, you see the worksheet for this chapter: Formulate your goals.
SMART stands for specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound.
The World Wide Web
“Yes, but I very often fail to do what I want.” Then it is good to take another look at your roles (week 1) in combination with your goals. Are your goals SMART? Do they fit into your God-given tasks, capabilities, and limitations?
Today you can start formulating your goals in all areas of life. But read on first. If your goals are rather big, like wanting to renovate your house, then you first must look at how long that could reasonably take. (e.g. 7 months) Then, you will break this goal into small, bite-sized pieces.
What can you do this month?
What can you do this week?
What can you do today?
Find out what you need to do today and do it. Respond and adapt to unforeseen circumstances and move with them. Be gentle with yourself. That’s all. Park for the next day what you don’t get to and constantly refine your To-Do list. Keep moving. You know what your duties are. Don’t know where to start? Then look at a dot on the horizon.

This blog is published on Friday. To make sure you get this in your email in your inbox on time, I have to make sure I finish the text for the editor so it is ready to publish. On certain days, there is only 1 goal for me: That text has to be finished. The dot on the horizon is then: I want to deliver that mini Online Course on HOLD ON over a period of 7 weeks.
I could lie in the sun, work in the house, bake pancakes for the kids, or come up with all sorts of excuses not to write this. But there was only one thing that had to be done on the day of the deadline: get that text ready.
A question for you to think about alone, or to really elaborate on:
Do you carry out the plans you make? Or do things often get left behind?
What stands in the way of you performing your tasks?
* too many obligations
* too much time
* not enough time
* too tired
* no overview
* other
Do more than two answers fit?
Tip: Discuss this and contact me; then we’ll spar together.
6 steps to help you find your goals.
Step 1: Formulate your goals. Just grab a notepad and think about the next few weeks until summer break. What would you still like to do until then? Write it on an A4 or use Appendix 3. of the workbook.
Step 2: Divide it into bite-sized chunks; after all, you eat an elephant in pieces. (Just like it is on the menu here every week).
What can you do this month?
What can you do this week?
What can you do today?
Step 3: Think: SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-bound)
Step 4: Look closely at the areas in the letters HOLD ON at the beginning of each chapter.
Step 5: Which area is underexposed for you and needs the most attention?
Step 6: Are there goals you can formulate around the area that needs the most attention?
Do you now think: Ah, I’m really missing that workbook. Don’t worry; you can order the workbook about this Rule of Life here. Workbook: How do I find peace? Enjoy it.
By the way, did you know that you get the book for free with a retreat?
See you next Friday! We’ll get at the heart of the course next week. (and feel free to leave a comment. What do you think when you read this? I’m so curious!)

PS: Do you like what you read here? Why not invite a friend or share it in your church app or anywhere else? Thank you!
This is part 3 (of 7) of a small introduction to HOLD ON, the playful Rule of Life to implement elements from the tranquility of the monastery in the hectic pace of everyday life. Are you playing along?