A Glimpse of my Garden (4 things I’ve learned so far).

Published Categorized as english, Home making, Silence

Spring is late here in the Northern Parts of Europe. But, when I am writing this I can hardly believe that I made this small videoclipp only last week. The garden is changing now every day!

Intensive Care at the table in our livingroom.

I decided to give you a monthly Glimpse of my Garden in the coming months, till after the harvest season. You know: It is so discouraging to see that black soil in the winter. It is so easy to loose hope. But the garden is teaching us a lot.

Medium Care, getting outside, used to the temperature, before it gets into the soil.

Four things I’ve learned so far:

  • Times are changing, seasons are changing. Never loose hope.
  • God’s Faithfullness stays and gives new life over and over again.
  • It doesn’t depend if we are worthy of it. God is letting the sun shine over everyone, not depending on who we are. He goes on and on in being good.
  • I noticed that slow living is so important in gardening. The plants are doing well, if you let them slowly go through each small process, just like raising a child from baby till toddler. What a lesson to be patient with ourselves as well.
A friend got new tiles and gave me her old ones. I use them now as steppingstones.
Create beauty where ever you go after all;-)

With working in that black soil, I was reminded of Theresa of Avila. Theresa of Avila, a Carmelite nun, reveals the human body to be Christ’s chosen dwelling place for the mystical union of the soul with Him. Our bodies are not a temporary vessel, but the soil God chooses to plant Paradise.

This is a photo of this time, last year. Spring is really late this year, I can see!
Rubarb is one of the first things that you can harvest here. I can hardly wait to eat our favorite Rubarb Crumble.

Here is already the recipe, just in case that you like to make it: The Rubarb Crumbel that can’t go wrong.

By for now! Can’t wait to show you next months garden! Just wait and see.

What do you think about Theresa’s approach about soul & gardening.