Unbelievable that our colleagues and friends are in the midst of it. And unbelievable that we are heading there in just four weeks!
Category: english
Life is a messy business
Thousands of refugees are crossing the border at the other side of our Europe. The place where we are heading: The Croatian, Serbian border. It is all over the news. The Dutch news, the BBC.…
"Light is wrestling with darkness"
This morning at 6.30 Laurens our little four years old now, came laying next to me and said: “”Light is wrestling with darkness.”” He said it in Dutch of course, so he said acctually: Het…
A challenge: refugees in Europe
The refugees in the park in front of the train station in Budapest, where asking for something to sleep on, the concrete is so hard, and also some medicine, the scabies are so itchy, and…
Longing for home
Snapshot 1 The evening fell in the Roma village when we were about to close the final Bible club evening. We got a few bags of apples out of the car and shared them with…
On the road.
10 nights:12 till 22 August 6 countries: Croatia, Hungary, Austria, Czeck Republic, Germany, Netherlands 5 places to sleep: Croatia, Budapest, Czeck Republic, Germany, and hopefully in our very own bed later this week in the…
UNA bijbelclub/fotoblog/ mostly bilingual;)
Thank you very much, for standing with us on our journey, this blog is just a short impression of the days that the kids here had the UNA Festival. Tomorrow a day at a nearby…
It is good to know some history
On the morning of the fifth of August, a few days ago Jelle said: It is not busy in the street. Where is everybody? We live in a city, so we expect at least some…
Another photo blog (2)
Na ons bezoek aan het Romadorp, waar ik verder geen plaatjes maakte, kreeg ik deze groenten mee. Zie je die zwarte tomaten, gekweekt van zaad van de moeder van de vrouw die we bezochten. Ik…
Beauty in authenticity
I really LOVE being on the road, downsize our belongings and everything you find important in a few bags and GO! Unpack in a tiny clean, basic apartment and start playing doll house again.. now…
Fotoblog week 1
Where there are laundrylines, there are people and there is life! Waar waslijnen zijn, daar zijn mensen en daar is leven! …
Facing fear
Most of the time, I trust and know that we are on the right track, moving to Croatia, to support the team working with Roma churches. That is in short the reason why we want…