We probably cannot relate to David’s situation: Hiding in a cave from his enemies, who want to kill him. But, spritually we can feel like we are chased, restless and not at peace.
Category: english
Ash Wednesday Explained
Dear all, This week, it was Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent. But what does that actually mean? And why should we mark this day? I found this article very insightful and am happy to…
The Birth room of my Workbook about a Rule of Life
I’m so excited and happy to show you a piece of the front and backcover of the workbook about a Rule of Life! I only have to translate it, give me a few weeks! This is a Photo blog about my journey. Enjoy and tell me what you think!
Socks from Serbia for a refugee from Syria
“Please, do take a picture,” I ask a passerby who has stopped for a chat, bicycle in hand, at the table on the road in front of our workspace in Wageningen. High in the mountains…
Good Bye 2022! 5 most read posts
It’s always good to hear from you. Many newsletters, Christmas greetings and wishes for 2023 came to us. Thank you all, very much. Whatever you are facing, May The Lord Be With You.
Jelle and Janneke Huisman and children.
A Prayer Request
I am hiding in the mountains of Austria to write a workbook about a Rule of Life, and that’s why I need your prayer. A book is just way better if God is the Co-author. So, that is my desire. Please take me along in your prayers. Thank you very much!
“Restless is our heart, until it finds rest in You, oh Lord”
This is the floor in one of the buildings in the city of Osijek. I hope that this story gives you hope in dark days and peace that comes from the Lord alone.
Let’s enter Advent together with an Online Retreat.
You know that feeling from other years probably: Oh dear, we’re already half-way Advent and I m hardly aware of it. Therefor: You are warmly invited to an Online Retreat. Read more:
And? What’s your harvest?
It’s the art of life not to compare yourself with others, especially not who are very experienced, to see if you have a good harvest. If I think about the amount of seed that I’d…
On the shoulders of our ancestors
On the day Queen Elizabeth is buried, we are awakened at about six in the morning by loud cackling. Unfortunately, I’m not awake enough to take action but turn around once more in bed before…
Family trip to Germany
We enjoyed a long weekend in Hessen during the Ascension day weekend. Even Marijke joined us from Trumau. Jelle had to get her in the middle of the night in Frankfurt. We hadn’t seen…
A Prayer letter
Do you sometimes have trouble finding the right words when you pray? I know I do. That’s why I love to use The Lord’s Prayer as a guideline—after all, it is the Lord Himself who…