Holy Ground in Los Angeles
The movie “The Soloist” is about a homeless man in Los Angeles. He has nothing but an old shopping cart filled with junk and an old violin. No day is the same and yet all the days are the same. Every evening he finds a place on the porch of an empty shop in the heart of the metropolis. He sleeps among the noise of the nightlife. The police pass by. There’s a riot of one thing or another by default. An ambulance picks up someone. Someone empties the contents of his stomach a few feet away from him. No night is the same and yet all days are the same.
Every morning he lifts his head, gathers himself and his things, rolls up the garbage bag that serves as a mattress, and starts the new day. Every night he finds a place. Nothing is the same.
And everything is the same: He has a beautiful evening ritual. Not that he puts words to it. He just does it. As he learned from his mother as a little boy: He is getting ready for the night. Even if it is not a soft warm bed in a safe house with a family around it. Now it is a plastic bag, but he unrolls it with attention and care. He puts his weary head down. Tired of searching for food, avoiding danger on the street, avoiding bullshit. Tired of begging for a little money to eat anyway. This day is also over.
And he talks to his Unchanging Friend and says just before he falls asleep in the language his mother taught him years before:
Our Father which art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done, as in heaven, so in earth.
Give us day by day our daily bread.
And forgive us our sins; for we also forgive everyone that is indebted to us.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
For Yours is the Kingdom and the power and the glory
Forever and ever.
And so, crafts Anthony his Unwritten Rule of Life and transforms the dirty outskirts of Los Angeles into Holy Ground.
Welcome to Part 3 of the 100 words / 100 day’s Challenge.
See here: Week 1 (introduction)
and here: Week 2 ( about the what, why and how of a Rule of Life)
Day 15: Monday, November 29
Week H.(Holy Ground)
Day O= Organize your week and this day.
We’re unwrapping the Advent Season. Happy New L(liturgical) year from the Netherlands!
In the coming weeks, I’ll take you along the HOLD ON Rule of life.
This week the focus is on Holy Ground.
Week 3: H= Holy Ground. A good start. The Fundament. Who Holds You?
Week 4: O= Organize your time and space. Just Think about: What’s your focus? What & When
Week 5: L= Let’s do it. No Procrastination.
Week 6: D.= Dear Ones Around You. Spent time with them.
Week 7: O.= Oh! My Body. Food & Sport.
Week 8: N.= Nurture Your Soul. What Makes You Deeply Happy? See art, make music, walk. Do Your Thing and Let Your Soul Sing.
Week 9: Period. Dot. The End. Closure. The Art to Stop.
This day, Monday is for Organizing your Week. The task for this Monday Morning is= Organize this week and give each day a goal.
For me? This Thursday is our Online Retreat, and I am going to prepare.
Day 16: Tuesday, November 30
Week H (Holy Ground)
Day: L= Let’s do it!
While we’re focussing on Holy Ground, we setting the stage, this week. Maybe you have already a small “Holy Corner” in your house. A little chapel. Otherwise. Today might be a good one to create a Chapel corner. Find a candle. A Bible, A journal, A cross, An icon, a prayer chair, or another object to create your Holy Ground. And just as Anthony. It doesn’t have to be a lot. Even a plastic bag will do;-)
Day 17 Wednesday, December 1
Week H/ Holy Ground
D Day D: Dear Ones Around You

Day 18/100 Thursday, December 3rd,
Week H.(Holy Ground)
Day O. (Oh, My Body!)
A few suggestions for preparing for An Online Retreat.
Of course, you can come just as you are, but to get the most out of it:
* Let’s think about what Mary has gone through before she wrote the Magnificat.
* Go offline for a few hours in advance and focus on your body and soul and your Creator.
* Create beauty and make a corner with an empty table, a candle, a journal, and your favorite pen.
* Take a walk, empty your head in a way that works the best for you.
* If you are really up for it, take a shower, a bath, and let body and soul relax today.
* Just before we start, pour in your favorite drink.
This is Mary and her Holy Child, made by Judith.
Day 19/100 Friday, December 4th.
Week H, Holy Ground
Day N. Nurture Your Soul.
It’s Friday! Wrap up the week and use your senses this day, smell, look, taste, feel, hear.
Suggestion: Watch: the Soloist.
What are you going to do this weekend to relax?
What is your favorite way of relaxation?
Day 20/100 Saturday, December 5th.
Week: H,
Day: . Period. Closure. The art of wrapping up the week.
Dag 21/100 Sunday, December 6th.
Week O: Organize
Day H. Holy Ground.
I wish you a wonderful Second Weekend of Advent. I am off-line till Monday. That’s why I sent you above my 300 words about the story of the Soloist. (Friday, Saturday, Sunday)
P.S. Next week, the whole week has the Theme: O for Organize.
But first: Weekend! We, here in the Netherlands are going to hang out with St Nicholas. The good Holy man.
Till later!
This is Day 15-21 of the 100 words a day project. I started around halfway through November with the 100-words for 100-day challenge with posting on Social Media. I give you a little peek at My Personal Rule of Life. However, After day 15 I realized that it took way too much time what gives friction with the meaning of a Rule of Life: to live attentively and offline for longer periods of time. So, I changed from Social Media to weekly posts of more or less 700 words. This blog is part of a series: My Rule of Life.
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