Mini Introduction Course HOLD ON., Part 4 (of 7)
This is already the fifth time that you are receiving an email in your inbox about the playful, holistic Rule of Life. These seven weeks, I’m taking you step by step in a mini introduction course HOLD ON., a holistic Rule of Life. This rule makes the hectic pace of everyday life manageable using elements from monasticism. I hope that you are enjoying it so far!

Ten Good Habits that are a playful, mostly daily part of my Rule of Life.
- 1 Glass of lemon water to start the day. If you really want a detox, a liter of water with a quarter of a squeezed lemon on your empty stomach is an old remedy that I discovered in the former Yugoslavia. At the beginning of the day, I sip away at it.
- 2 Hours Before Sleep: Go offline. Set a limit to your online life and go offline regularly for a few days. Our GP just said a few weeks ago how so many young adults have sleeping problems because of the online lives they live.
- 3 times a day, brush your teeth and then don’t eat for an hour or two; this will help your gut settle down. I also really enjoy not eating between 7:00 in the evening and 7:00 in the morning (Except on weekends).
- 4 times a week, eat meat. Rather than eating it every day, coming up with tasty alternatives is fine.
5. 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day. If you fancy a snack, fruit and vegetables are the oldies but goodies, and you don’t get tired of them quickly.
6. 6 days a month, give or take…(Only for women, but good for men to realize) If you have your period: Go with the flow. Listen to your body and do not push it. If you need more sleep, take it! Be gentle with yourself. This hormonal change can be intense.
7. A 7 minute workout every day can be a good habit. Finding a fixed time every day might help.
8. It’s liquorice time at half past four. If you are not Dutch, you might hate it. Choose something else instead. A small pleasure each day is the joy of the moment after all.
9. Go outside every day: cycling, walking, or doing sports – do what suits you. Not using the car and the internet regularly for a day or so gives peace of mind and promotes life with presence and attention.
10. Do a BMI check every now and then and keep track of your weight. (length will not change much for adults 😉 You can calculate your height and weight here.

We leave chips, chocolate and soft drinks in storage as much as possible. (And we do not buy them often) This way, we have more space in the house, and we only get some sweet treats on the weekend. It helps that we have had to watch our budget for years. In fact, it has become a kind of sport to do low-budget groceries. We aim to eat healthy and in moderation.
P.S. I don’t feel guilty if there is sometimes a difference between theory and practice—but I do take action to regain balance if necessary.
And you? Does this post inspire you to make any plans of your own?
If you find yourself thinking, “Phew! That is so much,” then you are taking me too seriously. Honestly, I pay little or no attention to these Ten Habits. I really had to think about putting them into words because they come so naturally to me.
The strength lies in the fact that they are habits, meaning you don’t have to think about them too much. That’s how they become second nature. Maybe you also have a set of good habits but want to become more intentional about them with tiny steps.
A few questions for you:
* Which body part needs extra attention for you? Do you have a weak spot? Don’t ignore it; keep it in mind.
* Do you eat healthy? What can be done better?
* Do you move enough? How do you want to change that?
* Do you take enough rest? How many hours of sleep do you need?
* How do you use the internet? Where do you have limits? Do you have regular time offline?
This is part 5 of 7, a small introduction to HOLD ON., the playful Rule of Life that implements elements from the tranquility of the monastery into the chaos of everyday life. Are you playing?
In a nutshell, the mini course looks like this:
Week 1: H of Sacred Ground: A good start, a solid foundation.
Week 2: O of Organizing: Standing still and not moving yet.
Week 3: L of Let’s get started! No more delay and get moving now.
Week 4: D of Dear ones around you: The beating heart for others.
Today: Week 5: Oh! My body: Attention to your body: nutrition, exercise and rest.
Week 6: N of Nurture your sensitive soul.
Week 7: . Finally: The art of finishing.