My garden in May

Goodbyeparty with our American friend Flora and her sister. There are so many good moments when the center of the garden is connection. I am truly surprised.


How Was the Grand Opening of the Garden ;-)?

Yes! It’s true: the garden was officially opened while enjoyable fresh herbal tea from Emma’s grandmother’s thermos. Homemade cake and brownies and lots of nice people it all off. Read more:


The garden unveiled

On april 1 at 15.00 the garden will be unveiled. Read more:


10 ancient guidelines for a good life

Once upon a time there was a small boy. His life story was not entirely standard. As a baby he floated in a bulrush basket on the great river Nile. He was born to parents who lived in such a politically unsafe situation that they put him into the water in a basket, because otherwise he would certainly be killed anyway.

Floating on the water, he was found by a princess. Read more…


The Covered Garden

Maybe you are also hiding under a blanket during these dark winter days too; my garden is no different. Every month of this year, I want to show you the changes. Even though it seems like nothing is happening now, the rotting and clearing process continues. Rest well little living elements!


The Beauty of 2023 in 5 blogs

This year too, I have chosen to make a selection from the 5 blogs that stood out in the past year, pour yourself a nice cup of tea, settle into your easy chair and read along, if you like.


Back to the Balkans #togetherweareone

We had an autumnbreak here and decided to drop everything and go back to Osijek, Croatia, with Femke and Laurens. Read more how we dived back into 7 communities or their representatives.
