Back to the Birthroom

A room in which a birth takes place is often not easily forgotten. Most of you readers who have given birth might remember the rooms vividly, those rooms where our children saw the light for the first time. I know I do. It was an old farmhouse near Utrecht for our firstborn.


Seedsaving: A future full of hope

While I am standing between the tomato plants, my right foot suddenly sinks down twenty centimeters. I am startled and think: Whose home have I disturbed? And at that moment, a large rat runs past me to the outside. I scream, and that must have been heard a mile away. 


There and back again: The garden of abundance

A full year of gardening: the garden of abundance. I tucked the garden in with fresh leaves. Just as we tucked in our children, night after night when they went to sleep, so did I with the garden to let it rest in winters arms. Get a hot pot of thea, a blanket and a comfortable seat, and read along. Yes, this is a longread for a cold winternight. Happy reading!


The garden unveiled

On april 1 at 15.00 the garden will be unveiled. Read more:


Period. The art of wrapping up

Today, we put an end to the 7 week mini course HOLD ON., a holistic rule of life to make the hectic pace of everyday life manageable by implementing elements from monasticism.

I won’t keep you long. In a word, this last lesson is about evaluation. Examine. Look back. Are you satisfied? What could be done differently or better another time? What am I doing, why am I in this world? And so you shape and refine your rule of life and start again next time.


How to charge your battery

No, not your phone’s. I think that is clear. This is about recharging the battery of your very soul.
Mini Introduction Course HOLD ON., Part 5 (of 7)

This is already the sixth and nearly last time that you are receiving an email in your inbox about the playful, holistic Rule of Life. 

These seven weeks, I’m taking you step by step in a mini introduction course HOLD ON., a holistic Rule of Life. This rule makes the hectic pace of everyday life manageable using elements from monasticism. I hope that you are enjoying it so far!


Create rhythm in all 7 life areas

When does your heart beat faster? Mine gets going if I’m being a hostess. Then I’m really in my element. The more people at the kitchen table, the happier I am. I wrote a blog earlier this week: The great gift of the guest. 

Maybe you think: “Pfft. Guests! Serving others, strangers – is there enough in the house? Help! I’m tired just thinking of it.” That is possible. Because…


The great gift of the guest

“What is a difficult situation for you?” I ask him. He stared into space for a long time, weighing his words. I wait patiently, curious to see what he comes up with.

Two days in advance he sent an app: “
