2024 in 20 pictures

The most daring, the most sad, the most wonderful experience and a few more in 20 images of 2024


10 ancient guidelines for a good life

Once upon a time there was a small boy. His life story was not entirely standard. As a baby he floated in a bulrush basket on the great river Nile. He was born to parents who lived in such a politically unsafe situation that they put him into the water in a basket, because otherwise he would certainly be killed anyway.

Floating on the water, he was found by a princess. Read more…


Period. The art of wrapping up

Today, we put an end to the 7 week mini course HOLD ON., a holistic rule of life to make the hectic pace of everyday life manageable by implementing elements from monasticism.

I won’t keep you long. In a word, this last lesson is about evaluation. Examine. Look back. Are you satisfied? What could be done differently or better another time? What am I doing, why am I in this world? And so you shape and refine your rule of life and start again next time.


How to charge your battery

No, not your phone’s. I think that is clear. This is about recharging the battery of your very soul.
Mini Introduction Course HOLD ON., Part 5 (of 7)

This is already the sixth and nearly last time that you are receiving an email in your inbox about the playful, holistic Rule of Life. 

These seven weeks, I’m taking you step by step in a mini introduction course HOLD ON., a holistic Rule of Life. This rule makes the hectic pace of everyday life manageable using elements from monasticism. I hope that you are enjoying it so far!


Create rhythm in all 7 life areas

When does your heart beat faster? Mine gets going if I’m being a hostess. Then I’m really in my element. The more people at the kitchen table, the happier I am. I wrote a blog earlier this week: The great gift of the guest. 

Maybe you think: “Pfft. Guests! Serving others, strangers – is there enough in the house? Help! I’m tired just thinking of it.” That is possible. Because…


The great gift of the guest

“What is a difficult situation for you?” I ask him. He stared into space for a long time, weighing his words. I wait patiently, curious to see what he comes up with.

Two days in advance he sent an app: “


Why am I in the World?

Wow! This isn’t really a light-hearted question? It’s more a question that you sometimes think about all your life: Why am I in the world? What am I actually doing here? Where am I from, where am I going? What makes me unique?

This is the third Friday you will receive an email in your box regarding the Playful Rule of Life Introduction course.


How to live a Holistic life in 2023 #Ruleoflife

At the beginning of the year, I promised you to send you a quarterly email to take you along with the Rule of Life. It’s nearly the end of the first three months of the year, the end of March. Did I write at the beginning of the year: “not sure if you had them—a few good intentions for 2023.” By now you probably even do not remember your good intentions! No worries! Research shows that behavioral change is not easy.

Oh Lord, I cry aloud to You

We probably cannot relate to David’s situation: Hiding in a cave from his enemies, who want to kill him. But, spritually we can feel like we are chased, restless and not at peace. 
